
February 2, 2020

“Help your LOTUS to open®”. Meditation Events by Angeliki Petrova Meditation Coach some of you maybe know me as Prem Punam* my sannyas name by OSHO.

Thank you for visiting my page.Get acquainted with me.Κnow me apart from an Artist and as a Meditation Teacher.For those who rememered me, I was the […]
January 30, 2019

“Help your LOTUS to open®”. Meditation Events by Angeliki Petrova Meditation Coach some of you maybe know me as Prem Punam* my sannyas name by OSHO.

Thank you for visiting my page.Get acquainted with me.Κnow me apart from an Artist and as a Meditation Teacher.For those who rememered me, I was the […]
December 11, 2018

Bring the Meditation and the Silence in your everyday activities.

“Bring the Meditation and the Silence in your everyday activities.”Although meditation it is not something that we can discas.!! I will talk a little bit about […]