“Greeting the Graces, the Theban poet Pindar writes:
“When someone is with you, everything is enjoyable and sweet, and thanks to you the man becomes wise, beautiful, successful.”
In 2012 I created an Artistic and Therapeutic Event.
It’s work is, through the sound of the voice, that is, with the most ancient primary instrument, the Voice!
To heal the mind center, the heart center, and the life center.
Aglaia… which means radiant – in the Mental center.
Thalia… which means the bloom, in the Thymoid – center of the Heart.
Ephrosyne… which brings the fullness of life, to Desire – the center of Life.
In this Action therapy Event through the healing sound of the voice, and with specific healing processes of attunement. We aim to heal the Energy fields in our body,with a central receiver the soul.
The Healing singing and the attuning to the voice of our soul, heals the soul by freeing it from the burden it carries.
Voising Therapy / Therapeutic Singing event based on Meditation.
THERAPY SINGING with Angeliki Petrova Meditation Coach/Artist/Classical Singer. Creator of the Workshop”Oh! Graces” ©2012.
The Event takes place on specific dates and there is a limit of people. Get informed by sending your participation to artangelapetrova@gmail.com